Karla Stivers helps April Srygler up from the bench during a training session at Made4More Fitness."My people are the most important, the people I am in contact with every single day," says Karla. Karla considers her trainees more than members of her gym; they are family. After each set, Karla puts on a smile and celebrates the little accomplishments.
Karla Stivers was looking to begin the next season of her life when an old fitness center came up for sale. She decided it was a calling from God.
“When I saw the gym for sale I told my husband, ‘Hey do you want to go on an adventure,'” says Karla.

Since the purchase eight years ago, soft hums of exercise machines, clanging weights and giddy chatter make up the unique ambiance of Karla’s everyday life. Karla, 55, is not only a mother to four children but also the owner and personal trainer at Made4More Fitness, one of only a few fitness centers in the Leitchfield community.

Karla is no stranger to sacrifice. For 12 years, she acted as her father’s caregiver until his death, and now she also cares for her mother-in-law, who lives with Karla and her husband Ed. Curious to learn more about the logistics of the human body to better care for her mother-in-law, Karla worked to earn state and national certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. She volunteers her time when needed as an EMT for the local Emergency Medical Services. She lives selflessly, always embracing what she calls the ever-changing seasons in her life.

“My life has been based on the biblical worldview, and I’ve tried to live my life based on that, and how I treat other people, how I raise my children,” says Karla."

Karla’s passion for helping her community shines through her business as well. In each session, she maintains a motivating and positive attitude, pushing the trainee to lift more weight, even if they don’t think they can do it.

“There is this stereotype that you have to be a certain way, look a certain way, but it’s never cookie cutter; you have to take it one person at a time,” says Karla.

Even within the community, Karla’s values inspire her to set up events like the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk to give back to those in the community who need places to connect.
Outside of the gym, she embraces her role as a mother. Karla gave birth to three of her children and adopted her fourth. The first three were homeschooled, and the last is in private school. Her oldest is 29 and has moved out. Karla and Ed now live only with Kayla and Kaylee.

“Nothing quite prepares you for when they’re out," she says. "I’m getting empty nest syndrome.”
Karla hopes that the soft hums of the exercise machines never cease and that the values she practices at Made4More Fitness continue to fulfill her self-consciousness and her relationship with God.
Karla trains early at her gym. After taking care of her trainees and family, she also finds time to take care of her own physical and mental health. Karla has developed a specialized workout and meal plan.
Kaylee (left) and Karla Stivers prepare for the Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Walk, which Made4More Fitness is hosting. Kaylee, Karla’s daughter, has helped with food and decorations for the walk all week. Kaylee is the youngest in the family and spends the most time with her mother.
In the corner of Karla Stivers’ office at the gym are small, posted notes with letters of encouragement from her husband Ed. Ed and Karla met in middle school during a Bible quiz tournament, and he is the only man she has ever dated. They got married when Karla was 22 years old.
Several members of the community reached out to Karla with names of breast cancer survivors. In turn, Karla has created a variety of honorary signs that were placed along the path of the Think Pink Breast Cancer 5K race. Karla has dedicated an immense amount of time preparing for the walk.
Karla and her employee Alex carry signs for the breast cancer walk to the park. Made4More Fitness is located off Zoe Lane in Leitchfield. Like her house, Karla built this new location for her business so her gym could have more accessible amenities for the community.
Chalk markers and signs honoring victims adorn the path where the Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Walk will be held. Here, Karla draws one of the markers for the event.
During the Think Pink Breast Cancer Walk, Karla cheers on a young participant crossing the finishing line. Several members of Karla’s gym have experienced or know someone who is a breast cancer survivor. Made4More Fitness has made the Think Pink event possible for five years now.
Karla helps Kaylee, 15, her adopted daughter and her youngest, straighten her hair the night before picture day at her school. Kaylee is the only child Karla placed in public school. Since being in school, Kaylee has joined the basketball team and has made lots of friends.
Karla, 55, watches the sunrise from her back porch with her dog Valentine. She and Ed built the house where they raised their four children on McGrew Church Road after moving to Leitchfield 11 years ago.
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